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In every gameworld you participate which you did not build or consciously choose to play, you are being used as a pawn in someone else's gameworld.
NOTE: This Gameworld Builder website offers you Gameworld Builder Practices.
Most of the information here will make little sense until AFTER you have integrated Gameworld Theory into your worldview.
We have collected Gameworld Theory at: http://gameworldtheory.mystrikingly.com.
We strongly recommended journeying through Gameworld Theory before trying to dive into this Gameworld Builder Practices website.
We think you will be glad about it too!
Raw Gaian-Gameworld-Design Research
...considering the Possibility Management Trainer Guild as the example.
by Gary Lindorff
When enough people embrace a movement,
that movement can spin a life of its own —
a great spirit.
And out of that greatness of spirit,
a culture begins to emerge
which, in turn, produces work,
schools, values
reflected in new art-forms,
dance, food,
all qualities of that shared spirit.Read MORE
Gaian Gameworlds
Practically: How To Shift From Single Fighter to a Circular Gameworld (Torus)?
What Is Context?
The context of a Gameworld is the gameworld's relationship to consciousness and responsibility. Context defines what the Gameworld holds as its highest values.
For example, modern culture values profit and teaches that the most successful people are those who avoid responsibility.
In modern culture, the term 'consciousness' has no meaning. 'Consciousness' is one of those stupid or dirty words.
Even though the Gameworlds of modern culture are contexted in capitalist patriarchal empire it is possible to create Gameworlds with an entirely different context, set of values, distinctions, rules of engagement, and purpose.
You now have a team of people who have come together in a new context - the context of Archiarchy - and who can build and inhabit Gaian Gameworlds.Nobody already knows how the Gameworld of building Gameworlds goes.
Even less-so, the Gameworld of building Gameworld Builders...
To set a new Gameworld’s Context, start by claiming the Gameworld's True Purpose, which will be to serve the Gameworld's Bright Principles.
Setting the True Purpose must, of necessity, include identifying your Gameworld's Hidden Purpose.
Unconsciously created Gameworlds deliver Child Level Responsibility and largely serve Hidden or Unconscious Purposes, such as Competition, Win-Lose games, Low Drama, avoiding responsibility, and providing Gremlin food to those people high-up in the Gameworld hierarchies.
To consciously set a new Gameworld’s Context, the Spaceholders relocate their Point Of Origin into the chosen Context.
In every meeting space, begin by calling your Gameworld's Bright Principles into the space. Establishing each Workspace as a Space through which these Bright Principles can do their work in the world.
It will be crucial for participants to continually improve their skills at staying Centered, making their Grounding Cord and Personal Bubble of Space, holding their Gremlin on a short leash, and lowering their Numbness Bar to gain access to the energy and information of low-level Feelings and Emotions.
Suddenly it will become clear that: Something completely different from this is possible right now.
It is possible to change an already existing Gameworld’s Context from, say, Child Level Responsibility to Adult Level Responsibility, or from Adult Level Responsibility to Radical Responsibility.
The risk of trying to upgrade an already existing Gameworld's Context is that, if a majority of the members succeed in choosing the new Context, you will lose participants who are not interested and willing to endure the transformational Liquid States of shifting out of their old Context into the new Context.
Keep in mind that by upgrading a Gameworld’s Context you open a Doorway for new members to join who are longing to be nurtured by a higher level of responsibility and consciousness than was being offered by the old Gameworld.
Nonetheless, it may be less painful and more successful to build new Gameworlds that make the existing Gameworlds irrelevant than to try to change the Context of an existing Gameworld.
Choose Your Context
You can choose from 5 different Gameworld designs. The level of responsibility sets the Context of the Gameworld you build.
How To Choose A Context for your Gameworld?
How To Detect Your Gameworld's Currently Existing Context?
Each gameworld starts by establishing the Context and Rules of Engagement of their gameworld that you write down in your Codex.
The process of choosing a Context can be extremely painful. It can tear your Gameworld builder Team apart from the core.
And, if you do not consciously, clearly, fiercely choose and anchor into a specific and consciously chosen Context, then your Gameworld will emerge as a 'Mixed-Context Gameworld' and that may be even MORE painful in the long run.
We suggest that you put the following 5 GAMEWORLD DESIGNS on the table for decision at your first gameworld meeting. Require that participants take a stand for which kind of gameworld they want to be in. Start your gameworld with members who choose the same level of responsibility for this gameworld.
We have found through long and painful experience that starting your gameworld with very few people (minimum 3) who agree on which level of responsibility the gameworld context is based, is far more likely to succeed and far less painful, than starting a gameworld with more people but trying to include various levels of responsibility - a 'Mixed-Context Gameworld'. Any Mixed-Context Gameworld always defaults to the lowest level of responsibility of its participants.
1. NO RESPONSIBILITY Everyone views responsibility as punishment. Only stupid people take responsibility. Interactions are about avoiding all responsibility, being a victim, blaming others. Participants in this gameworld try to hide from the consequences of their actions and inactions as if there is no connection. Some people regard this as 'anarchy', but it is not. It is the culture of avoiding responsibility. Examples are bums living under the bridge, and people who have arranged to be kept in a prison or mental institution.
2. CHILD LEVEL RESPONSIBILITY This gameworld allows participants to make messes and debts with no intention at all of ever cleaning them up. Think of poachers entering national parks and killing elephants to sell their tusks to oriental ivory traders, supported by the corrupt park officials who do not stop them. When a child makes a mess, who is responsible for cleaning it up? The adults. Clearly, the modern capitalist patriarchal empire is solidly centered on Child Level Responsibility. Think of the expanding dead zones in the world’s oceans. Think of the tons of permanently lethal nuclear wastes. Think of the US national debt. Think of children being given brain drugs that make them unfit even to join the army. Think of the gigatons of methane frozen forty thousand years ago under Siberian tundra now bubbling out as heat-capturing greenhouse gases. Even heads of governments, corporations, religions, military, and education are uninitiated adolescents playing 'I win, you lose' competitive children's games (think of Israel vs. Palestine, Russia vs. America, China vs...) without regard for long-term planet-wide consequences. Any gameworld that includes any aspect of the status quo of modern culture also centers itself on child level responsibility, far below adult level.
3. ADULT LEVEL RESPONSIBILITY In this gameworld participants attempt to share responsibility equally. Ongoing negotiations try to arrange contributions that are 'fair' and 'reasonable' so that costs are equitably covered. Reasons and excuses are considered as valid arguments, however such negotiations are often contaminated by Gremlin gambits. If you search for adult-level responsibility gameworlds you have to go to the edges of modern culture and take one step further, because authentic adulthood initiatory processes were banished long ago in modern culture.
4. HIGH LEVEL RESPONSIBILITY In this gameworld, it becomes appropriate to take responsibility that is unfair. A person may pick up litter they did not drop not because they are a rescuer, not because they are superior, but because they take high level responsibility for the sidewalk or the park. They care unreasonably about the neatness of the space and feel rewarded for creating more elegant spaces. Reasons and equality do not carry much weight in their world. They source their own level of ethics that cannot be swayed by common opinion or even the local rules or laws.
5. RADICAL RESPONSIBILITY In this gameworld, each individual goes through the healing and authentic adulthood initiatory processes that set them into a new relationship with the universe where they are Radically Responsible for everything that occurs, everything that does not occur, and everything that could possibly be caused or avoided. We are not kidding. Radical Responsibility is very Nonlinear and highly Unreasonable, but highly resonant with the archetypal and evolutionary purpose of nature. It cannot be justified. It can only be Discovered and Chosen. And when you discover the joys of radical responsibility, you will be well on your way to jacking in to your Archetypal Lineage, serving by Creating and Navigating extraordinary Spaces of Transformation and Possibility. You might come to call this High Level Fun.
How many Gameworlds can you spot that are involved in this photo?
Noticing & Choosing Gameworld Values
What Values?
Built-in to every Gameworld are the Gameworld's values.
Values are what has worth.
Before a value can be valued you need to be aware of it.
Most Gameworld creators are not aware of the values hidden in the Gameworld they are building.
It does not have to be that way.
It turns out that the most subtle things we are not aware of are those that most control us... like status, like ownership, like values.
Even if the values are not specified or consciously held by Gameworld participants, the values are reflected in Gameworld behaviors:
- Where does the food come from? Who grew it? Who cooks it? Who cleans up? What is composted?
- What sort of soap is used? Who made it?
- Do you use a hierarchical or circular power structure?
- Which of the 13 Standard Decision-making Procedures is used?
- Where do the clothes come from? What are they made of? Who made them?
- Where are the children? How are they prepared for their authentic adulthood initiatory processes?
- What belief systems are subscribed to? Why?
- What drugs are used? Alcohol? Tobacco? Coffee? Chocolate? Sugar? Marijuana? Ayauasca?
- What is included? What is excluded?
- How is status dealt with?
- How is skin color and religion and beliefs and racism and expectations dealt with?
- How are laws in other gameworlds dealt with?
- How is the the concept of privilege dealt with?
- How are initiations dealt with?
- What sort of economy is used?
- What sort of infrastructure is used?
- What sort of transportation is used?
- What sorts of entertainment are used?
- What sort of spaceholding is used?
- Who owns what? And why? And what happens to the owners?
- How are men regarded? Women? Children? Animals? Plants?
- Who tends to Gaia?
- What happens when someone is sick? When someone dies? When someone is in a liquid state?
- Who benefits? Who pays?
- Who decides who gets to participate? Who decides who must leave? How? Why?
- Etc.
The clearer you are about your Gameworld values from the outset, the less confusion and conflict there will be later. Don't be surprised if the 'later' comes sooner than you think...What Distinctions?
A Conversation Between Wizard #1 and Wizard #2
Wizard #1:
Hello my Wizard friend.
Here is me: I am tired of this reincarnation, ready to move on.
I'm not suicidal... but I definitely need a big shift. I am ready for it.
Life is full of obstacles.
I find modern culture to be highly dysfunctional.
Being of Service is unknown there.
I feel lost in this world of irresponsibility.
Wizard #2:
I agree with all of your perceptions exactly.
This is why I invented my own context and gameworld.
I don't live in the context and gameworld of modern culture. This modern capitalist patriarchal empire lacks exactly the distinctions you say you are missing.
It does not even notice the differences between Child Responsibility and Adult or Radical Responsibility.
Neither spiritual communities nor modern culture distinguish Gremlin, or the 6 Egostates, or Low Drama so that they can be Navigated, Transformed, or avoided.
Wizard #1:
Yes, so...
How does one get out?
The whole world seems filled with zombies and there is nowhere else to go...
Wizard #2:I propose that you can suddenly originate yourself from somewhere else using Clarity.
Clarity can distinguish between contexts, between spaces, between moments, between identities, between gameworlds.
Perceiving differentiations lets you Notice the 9 Gaps.
Then, no matter where you are, you can go sideways through these gaps between gameworlds into other conditions.
Culture is a gameworld.
Understanding the distinction 'gameworld' fundamentally changes who you are. The shape of your Being changes due to being able to hold the new Distinction.
Your new shape perceives and can consciously Choose which gameworlds you play in.Wizard #1:
Wizard #2:
You solve the problem of fundamentally disagreeing with the context of modern culture by inventing your own culture - next culture - the culture of Archiarchy.
The interesting thing about Archiarchy is that others are starting to pick it up for themselves too. "Build it and they will come."
Our distinctions have been ahead of their time for awhile, but it looks like the time has come.
I (and my friends - mostly other Wizards such as yourself) move through the world respecting our own little bubble of fictitious culture as much as we are curious about the strangeness of every other person's bubble of fictitious culture.
I refuse to grant modern culture more Authority than my own culture. I take people immediately to the mat if they challenge me about this.
And I win... by pulling the rug out from under their gameworld and causing a transformational Liquid State for their context.
This is a 'Winning Happening' game, ecstatic when compared with the 'I Win - You Lose' game they are playing...
Their destabilization is 'winning' because they suddenly have direct access to more real options to choose from. I create new Possibility for them.
At this point, either they end the conversation and leave me alone, or they hire me to consult their organization...
I live with a few other Wizards in a nomadic nanonation. We inhabit a slowly growing bubble of next culture.
Wizard #1:Another thing is bugging me...
Wizard #2:
What is it?
Wizard #1:
How can I profoundly change the impression I have of somebody in myself?
How can I extricate myself from my own or others projections, perceptions, filters...?
Any experience with this?
Wizard #2:
Yes. Some...
Behavior Creates Structure - Not the Other Way Around
by David Diamond, Theatre For Living
"As urgency around climate change and polarization increases on the planet, violence and removal of long-fought-for rights are both increasing. Human migration and immigration are going to be unavoidable and this may very well increase incidences of racism and xenophobia – as we are already seeing. In this context, systemic change becomes more and more urgent. And…there is a trap here.
"Paulo Freire writes quite eloquently in Pedagogy of the Oppressed about how communities sometimes rise up and fight revolutions, and sometimes they win – often to become the very oppressors they were fighting against."We see this happen again and again throughout history. Why? I believe that nature gives us a reason: We ‘trick’ ourselves into believing that the ‘issue’ is the structures themselves when, in nature, patterns of behaviour create structure – not the other way around.
"If we accept and understand this, then it becomes clear that if we work to change the structures, but neglect the patterns of human behavior that both create and sustain the structures, we are doomed to recreate and/or re-inhabit the same structures all over again. Focusing solely on structural change while neglecting behavioral change becomes self-defeating."
- David Diamond, Theatre For Living
“Finite-game players aim for eternal life.
Infinite-game players aim for eternal birth.”
Are You A Zombie?
Every brand or logo you recognize is the name of a Gameworld you play in.
Simply by knowing a gameworld's name, you are participating in that Gameworld because you are using your brain's or your heart's memory space to remember the logo. Profit-oriented Gameworlds invest billions to occupy a part of your mind with their brand name and logo so as to establish brand-loyalty in your emotional body.
You support the values of the Gameworlds you play in.
Do you even know the values of the Gameworlds you play in?
If not, you may be a 'Zombie'.
A 'Zombie' is 'anyone who is not aware of the values of the gameworlds they play in'.
Since Zombies serve Gameworlds which do not nourish the delicate and complex interdepending ecologies of Gaia, Zombies are serving death.
This is how serious knowing about Gameworlds can be.
Maybe it's time you learn about Gameworlds...?
Clarify Your Purpose
This is a question that should be answered early on.
How can you tell the Point Of Origin of a Purpose?
The best way we know is to journey to the Point Of Origin, and then see if it is your Point Of Origin, or someone else's Point Of Origin.
The Purpose does not lie.
This means that what you create is not disconnected from your Purpose, even if you are busy serving a Hidden Purpose.
You can discover your Hidden Purpose through asking a Possibilitator to take you through the Hidden Purpose Process.
What purpose creates the food your Being longs for?
Some Beings long for making change.
There are some distinctions about what kind of change you want to make with your gameworld.
You can change the way people get the things they want.
Or you can change what they want.
Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates are two of the wealthiest people in history. They got that way by changing how people used tools to find new ways to get what they already wanted.
Nelson Mandela and Jacqueline Novogratz picked a different mission. Trying to change what people want in the first place.
Both paths are available, but they’re different.
Gameworld Source
Here is research we have just discovered and have not yet unfolded regarding the Source of a Gameworld, jacking into the Source, becoming the Source, serving the Source, through the life cycle of a Gameworld.
If you discover useful new stuff here, please send it over to us so we can share it with others. Thank you.
The source of the this research about Source is: https://workwithsource.com/what-is-source/
Write Your Codex and Rules Of Engagement
Your Codex is a written artifact that sends out a resonance field about your gameworld. This is a weird thing to say, yet, check it out experimentally. If you do not write a Codex, or if your Codex is outdated and does not match the true current intentions and procedures of your gameworld, is it any wonder that your gameworld is a mess?
Your Codex is like a list that you might send to Santa Claus telling him everything you want for Christmas. Writing your 'Santa Wish List' does not guarantee that these are the things you will receive for presents. But writing no wish list guarantees that the ugly socks and ties you receive are your fault.
Your Codex is a formula for building out the gameworld you want. It is where you start, where you experiments begin, and how you keep track of whether or not what you try works and to what degree. Then you revise your Codex.
Some Teams keep each iteration of their Codex as a way to document the evolution of their gameworld. Some Teams delete previous editions of their Codex and start over new each time.
Your Codex needs to be visible to the general public at the border between your gameworld and other gameworlds so that potential participants or collaborators or customers can see what your gameworld is about to help them decide if they want to interact with your gameworld or not.
At the same time, the Codex is not your gameworld.
Your Codex should not be placed at the center of your gameworld because the Codex does not make the gameworld. What you love and what you want to do is what makes the gameworld. The Codex is the documented structure for what you want to do and how you want to do it. That is all. It is a map.
If you keep the map at the center of your gameworld then the map functions like a prison to keep the gameworld from evolving. If your gameworld is not evolving then your gameworld is dead.
If you keep the map of your gameworld at the semi-permeable membrane of the gameworld (the interface between your gameworld and all other gameworlds) then you always know where to find the map to refer to it or update it, and so does everyone else, and yet, everyone is free of the prison. The prison sits quietly over there, on the shelf, exactly where it should be.
The idea that following the rules of your Codex will make your gameworld work turns your gameworld into a corporate or military or religious hierarchy with the Codex at the top. ANY hierarchy can be hijacked by psychopaths, sex-slave traffickers, and pedophiles.
Stay awake. Use toroidal and circular gameworld designs.
Put your Codex at the edge of your gameworld and you stand naked in the gameworld's center, with your heart turned on through Dragon Speaking, using your Real Voice. This way your gameworld is the vehicle through which you can take a stand for the stand that you have taken for being born on Earth.
Build the gameworlds you need to do what you came here to do. You and your Team stand in the middle together and invent your next moves, even if they have never been done before, even if you don't know how, even if they are claimed to be illegal. Move into new territory. Do what needs to be done.
The Rule of Law of modern civilization is exterminating life on planet Earth at the fastest possible rate. Anyone who follows that Rule of Law is criminally insane. Anyone who defends that Rule of Law has already forfeited their life.
Walk down the street in this clarity. Even the United Nations has been hijacked. Even the church has been hijacked. Most the NGOs have been hijacked. Gaia needs you as an Edgeworker, a Riftwalker, a Trainer, a Possibilitator, a Feelings Practitioner... to invent the new territory of your gameworld and move into it. Will you do that?
For a Codex to be useful it should include several core components. These you could even consider to be the Table Of Contents of your Codex:
- Rules of Engagement inside the gameworld:
- Context of your gameworld, e.g. the relationship between your gameworld and responsibility / consciousness (please see the Thoughtmap of Culture and Responsibility. 'Responsibility' here is defined as 'applied consciousness', in other words, 'responsibility is consciousness in action'.
- Bright Principles of your gameworld. First Distill the Bright Principles of each of the members of your Team. Then you will be able to distill the Bright Principles of your gameworld.
- Conscious Purpose of your gameworld (possibly a place for your Vision and Mission).
- Shadow Principles / Unconscious Purpose of your gameworld (a place for the Hidden Purpose of each person in your Team).
- Style of your gameworld, e.g. is your gameworld land-based or nomadic? Is your gameworld a nanonation? Or do you submit to external authority, to what degree, and regarding what?
- Energetic Diagram of your gameworld's Circles and their relationships. See Sociocracy 3.0 for some hints about arranging your Circles. Who is in which Circle, their contact information. Who is the Spaceholder of each Circle? How do Circle meetings go?
- Meta Circle of your gameworld. For the moment your gameworld's Founder Team functions as the Meta Circle or 'Sweeper Ring' of your gameworld, making sure that the gameworld itself is fed and nurtured in balance. As your gameworld evolves into more complexity, as your Founder Team steps down and joins your gameworld to avoid Founder's Syndrome, you will need to create a Meta Circle to replace the Founder Team's functionality.
- Decision making procedures of your gameworld. To define your Decision Making process it can help to know the 13 Standard Decision Making Technologies.
- Who owns what in your gameworld, e.g. It could be that the gameworld itself is the owner of properties, and that the Creative Commons is the owner of anything invented or created by your gameworld. Then things would be copyleft, open code thoughtware, feeding the Creative Commons.
- Rules of Engagement Between Our Gameworld and Other Gameworlds:
- How does someone enter our gameworld?
- How does someone exit our gameworld?
- How do visitors or volunteers interact with our gameworld?
- What are the currencies of our gameworld? Thoughtware upgrades? Healing or initiatory processes?
- How do our currencies exchange with the currencies of other gameworlds or not?
- Customs of your gameworld:
- What do we wear, shoes, hats, coats, for work? For formal occasions? Women? Men? Initiated or not initiated? Children?
- How do we celebrate birthdays, deathdays, transformation days?
- How do we relate to seasons? The moon? Nature Beings? Bright and Shadow Principles?
- How do we care for member's health and healing of their 5 Bodies? Who is in the Witch's Circle?
- How do we care for our land base and the local ecosystems?
- How do we relate to how others care / abuse the local land base and ecosystems?
- How do we care for our food? Vegan? Vegetarian? Omnivore? Not specified? Self-sufficient?
- How do we prepare our food? Customs? Traditions? Recipes?
- What are the Technopenuriaphobia Healing handicrafts and Low Tech specialties of our gameworld?
- How do we build and heat/cool our houses?
- What tools do we make and use?
- What products and services do we produce and sell?
- What are our modes of transportation? Horses? Bicycles? Sailboats?
- What are our sources of water?
- What are our sources of power, e.g. wood, solar, electricity?
- What is our regenerative plan in relationship to the regenerative plan of the local city council and building code and town hall? What is our emergency plan for fire, tsunami, draught, terrorists, arrival of refugees?
- How are our children born and raised? How are they unschooled?
- To what degree is the media allowed to contaminate our gameworld context? Our children?
- What are our legends and creation mythologies?
- How does our gameworld provide authentic adulthood initiatory processes to members? To nonmembers?
- How do our 4 Archetypal Lineages meet and organize to empower each other to take care of our gameworld and each other?
- Etcetera...
Codex Examples
You do not have to start from zero to write your next-culture Gameworld Codex.
Here are some sample Codexes you can download and modify to your liking.
Keep in mind that since your gameworld is a living evolving organism,
your Codex will always be out of date. It will always be in flux.
The best you can do is maintain a working draft of your gameworld's Codex.
Working on updating your Codex builds matrix.
Trainer Path of Possibility Management Trainer Guild
Download a draft CODEX for the Possibility Management Trainer Path
Trainer Path is a team of fresh and seasoned Possibility Trainers resonating with the commitment to improve each other's ability to deliver thoughtware upgrades using Possibility Management tools, thoughtmaps, distinctions, and processes in order to create a better world for everyone on Earth. Trainer Path is a space of transformation, a bridge to Archiarchy, and a next culture magic school.
Ecosystem Restoration Camp - Altiplano Spain
Download a draft CODEX for the Ecosystem Restoration Camp in Altiplano, Spain
Ecosystem Restoration Camps is a grassroots not-for-profit Sociocracy 3.0 organization engaging people to transform damaged landscapes into thriving, biodiverse ecosystems. The organization was founded in response to a groundswell of support from people worldwide who see the amazing potential of soil restoration. Volunteers self-organize and live together while restoring degraded ecosystems around the world under the guidance of John Dennis Liu and Whole Permaculture. "Together, we can help to restore paradise on Earth."
Possibilica Nanonation
The online 'Constitution' and 'Bill of Wrongs' of the nomadic nanonation of Possibilica
Possibilica is a nomadic Archiarchal Nanonation Gameworld delivering transformational trainings, evolutionary processes, and authentic adulthood and archetypal initiations to ecovillages, groups, and individuals through the tools, thoughtmaps, and processes of Possibility Management.
Possibility Management Trainer Guild
Download a draft CODEX for the transformational training gameworld of Possibility Management
In a safely held space you gradually leave behind illusions, beliefs, dependencies, and patterns that you unconsciously adopted from others or from your childhood, and you bring to life your unexpectedly rich possibilities!
EHP Collaboration Group
Download a draft CODEX for the EHP Collaboration Telegram Group powered by Possibility Management
This Codex has been written in a collaboration by Christine Ploschenz, Naomi Warndorff and Nicole Hartley Bradford. It can be changed by anyone at any time by proposing the change to the Codex writers who are Guardians of the Codex, who are contactable through the Telegram Group.
Fusion Festival Codex
Download a chosen part of the CODEX for the Fusion Festival
This Codex is written by Kuturkosmos, the gameworld that powers Fusion Festival. This Codex is an example of vulnerable sharing of the Codex while being clear about the results of a choice of context and level of responsibility.
Here is the addendum to the 2024 Fusion Festival CODEX.
Gameworld Collaborations
A gameworld is a community of practice.
Any gameworld could center around these values:
Our purpose is to globally weave critical connections between communities of practice to create a field of influence for the emergence of next culture, Archiarchy.
It has never been more important that people in the service of expanding consciousness work together as one team. This means simply ignoring all the typical boundaries that we might imagine separate one lineage or style of consciousness expanding work from another. It does not matter what kind of Buddhist you call yourself. It does not matter what level Aikido practitioner you are. It does not matter what therapeutic tradition you come from. We can no longer afford to bicker over such superficial differences. If you are involved in expanding the Box we are all on one team. We are all serving the same Bright Principles. It is time to seriously collaborate.
Creating a protected knowledge center that can serve as an Ark certainly has value, but the fight has not yet been lost. It is not yet time to go underground and become invisible. Coordinated action is needed to experiment with alternative forms of culture, education, family, energy, government, city design, transportation, spirituality, society, financial exchange, management, entertainment, ritual, technology, meetings, and economic development. (See J. F. Rischard’s brilliant book High Noon: Twenty Global Problems, Twenty Years to Solve Them.) Experimentation depends on you experimenting. It only happens if you lead it to happen.
The more reality that can be brought to implementing alternatives before they are desperately needed the easier the transitions to using them will be. The need for experimenting is now. No, it is not easy to experiment now. Yes, you will be maximally challenged while implementing what you see is possible when others do not yet see similarly. Discovery always brings disorientation. But if you do not try to bring what you know to be possible into existence now, who will? If you have clarity and the ability to take real actions and try things out, it is probably a job on your bench. Change manifests one individual at a time, one day at a time, one small action at a time. Every little effort helps to cut new forms of consciousness that act as seed crystals and establish resonance for others who can tune in and follow. This is not a time for hesitation or hiding out. We have work to do, and this work needs be done together.ASKING AND DARING by Seth Godin
(the words in orange italic have been changed from the original post)
High Noon is a cornerstone of American cinema, a sobering and memorable look at heroism and community.
In the movie, the sheriff is facing near-certain death at the hands of a killer freed from prison. He has about an hour to gather a posse of deputies, because together they’ll be able to repel the avenging outlaw when arrives on the noon train.
As the clock ticks down, the marshal visits one part of the community after another, begging them to help him. And each finds a reason to say no, preferring short-term safety to long-term freedom, community belonging and heroism.
Howard Hawks, director of Rio Bravo, pointed out that the reason that the marshal failed to rally the community was that he was asking. In search of affiliation, he shared his fears and a story of mutual support as well as loyalty for what he’d done for them for so long.
In Rio Bravo, on the other hand, John Wayne does nothing of the sort. He regularly turns down offers of help, being selective about who’s worthy of being on his team. He shares no fear or trepidation. He’s selling status and dominance, not affiliation. “Are you good enough to be on this team?”
Humans are motivated by affiliation or by status.
And in the archetypal old west, it was status that often carried the day. The same might be true for the gameworld that you are part of.
Gameworld-Building Experiments
Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.01
Children are masterful at
Design and build a 5-minute Gameworld with somebody else. Do this in your PTeam. Do this with your partner or children. 2 minutes: context, purpose, rules of engagement. 5 minutes to play.
Example: How to find which of the 4-brains is dominant? What are your hobbies? Where is your resonant place on planet Earth? Make a cup of coffee. Find the key. Invent and play a boardgame. Invent and play a new centering exercise. Invent new hairdoes that you've never seen before.
Enter Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Points.
Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.02
List the Gameworlds that your parents play in, all of them. List the Gameworlds that you play in. Compare the two. Which ones that you play in they don't. Opposite. Bring it to your PTeam, ask them to make a story to explain the difference between your parent's gameworlds and your gameworlds.
Enter Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.03
Make the list of your values. Then go back to your and review your list of Gameworlds from the experiment before and write down the values of those gameworlds.
Why do you play in Gameworlds that have different values than your own?
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.04
Choose one of the Gameworlds that you play in that is in dissonance with one of the values of your life. Choose one and commit to exit it in every aspect. Formally and forever. Sign papers, get rid of stuff, end transactions.
Exit the bank that funds fossil fuels. Take back your clothes that were made in Bangladesh, take them back to the workers and give it to them. Exit the Gameworld of Nestle, buying Nestle products. Exit the Gameworld of shampoo bottles. 4yearsfourfish.org
Asking people to stop eating all fish stuff for four years.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.05
Enter Consciously a new Gameworld. Find a Gameworld that is aligned with the values of experiment #_. Enter it consciously. Ask what is your context, what is your relationship to responsibility, what is the purpose, who is the spaceholder, how do people come in, how do people come out.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.06
Enter the Gaemworld of using cloth bags for vegetables.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.07
Enter the Gameworld of carrying a cup wherever you go.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.08
Enter the Kiva Gameworld.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.09
Be a visitor in someone's Gameworld. When you notice that you are going to go to somebody's house before you go, write down what you know about their house as a Gameworld. Notice the customs from visiting them before. Call ahead and ask them what the customs of visiting them are. While you're there, split your attention to notice the customs that they might not know they have. Without losing your center.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.10
Go in a Gameworld where somebody is working on a project, starting a project, starting a small company. Have a meta-conversation about how this is a gameworld. Interrogate them producing razor sharp clarity about the degree to which they are unaware of the characteristics of their gameworld.
Enter Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.11
Consult people's gameworlds about upgrading their gameworld.
You get the Matrix points when you get your first job.
Help your client to create their Gaian Gameworld, implement Torus Technology, write the Codex for their Archiarchal Context, start implementing Emotional Healing Processes (EHP), make offers as you are consulting, use Woman's culture and Men's culture.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.12
Go to your Village, go to the town hall and ask to have a conversation with the Mayor or representative. I would like to consult with you about the gameworld design of our town. Make a proposal, and have a initial consultation.
Design, is this supporting the patriarchal empire, why are you doing this, what are the values, the rules of engagement, bullshit. Do you really want to support this.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.13
Choose 3 different gameworlds that you've never played in before. Be amazed about what kind of gameworld they have designed. Do not try to change it. Not criticize. Ask about their Gameworld culture and be amazed about it.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.14
Do the experiment of going to your Mayor, and think of three other place that you could do it. Local school, local farmer's market, community hall, family.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.15
Speak from your Gameworld, to representatives of one other gameworld and negotiate exchange of value between your gameworlds. Create a critical connection creates a field of influence that amplifies the emergence of Next Culture. Critical connection. REal value goes back and forth. Distinction, processes, services that adds value. Doesn't have to be money. Critical connection between a community of Practice. Practices thec context of their Gameworld.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.16
Do it with your own or someone else's gameworld. Do it as a Wisdom Council. Deepen the context of their gameworld. The way you do that is deepen people's inherance. Different than adherence (where you obey). Inherance is sourcing. Deepen the context by having the distinctions be more tangibly integrated into the flow of the gameworld. Discovery journey to deepen the context of the Gameworld. When you have finished the discovery journey you document the new deepening in their codex. Then you collect Matrix points.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.17
G o into a wild space and with you attention mark out a meter circle and observe everything that happens within the micro-gameworld for two hours. Just observe and watch what happens. Then for 20 minutes in your beep book write about what you learn from watching that gameworld
Consider the possibility that each organism has their own gameworld. What are the values that they actually exchange back and forth. The ants pick up the aphids and move them around to put them in a new place so they make more juice and the ants eatht he juice. The mold is rotting things so that is goes into the roots of the trees.
Each one is a gameworld.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.18
Applies to you if you have a Gameworld that is not a hierarchy. Where you are a spaceholder. For example. This would work in your family. Team. Work. PTeam. Purpose is that a gameworld really flies when the 4 lineages are empowered and alive and doing their work.
The experiment is, in the gameworld, you explain the distinction between the 4 lineages and helping people finding out where they are. Feedback and coaching from the team.
The question is, how can the whole team empower you to do your job better? To more take a stand for the lineage that you are in?
What is the thing that you have been wanting to create and couldn't because you didn't know that you could take a stand for it by being in this lineage.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.19
Hierarchichal lgameworlds. (check for website)
The point is, to meet with any hierarchical gameworld and have the conversation about what the actually function and purpose of the hierarchical structure is. What is the benefit, for who in the Gameworld.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.20
Notice the inner gameworld. Consider that you, in your physical and energetic body, you are a gameworld. Consider how that gameworld works in regard to your physical body, your Gremlin, your egot-states, your feelings and emotions. Make a map of yourself as a Gameworld, that is also part of other gameworlds. For example; there are these ego-states ,voices talking to each other, take a microphone and interview each of the voices of your inner gameworld who each have feelings and emotions and what they want. For at least you can sit down to hone into your inner gameworld
Reference the parts website. Have an inner Wisdom Council. Or a discussion amongst the creatures in your zoo. I'd to introduce you to the Vampire. To the savior the Escape Artist.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.21
Investigate like a private investigator. Investigate a gameworld centered upon beliefs. Your job is to investigate. Political party. Social health organization. A church. Any kind of religious. Distill what they say they believe, vs the secret Beliefs their catechism or dogma, or their bigotry, their superiority.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.22
Investigate the purpose of your engagement in the cat and dog gameworld. What is the true purpose of your involvement and the benefits, the shadow benefits. If you ever decide to exit this gameworld, ask for possibility about how to exit this gameworld responsibly, and not as a reaction to avoid responsibility.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.23
Vampires take your energy away. Feeds on your energy.
For example, a swimming pool is a vampire. Ag rass lawn is a vampire.
Television. Church. Neighborhood org. Tax office. To find the vapire gameworlds that you play in as a victim or as a vampire yourself. The point is to bring it to your PTeam and have everybody do this. Distinguish what a Vampire Gameworld is and distinguish how many your are playing in.
ceramic turtle collection, ccoin collection.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.24
Investigate gambling gameworlds. Which gambling gameworlds. Make a list of bank accounts that pay interest, investment accounts for retirement accounts, bitcoins, insurance, you're gambling that it will cost you less to pay insurance than whatever happens to you. Using drugs, getting vaccinated for COVID that might change your DNA. They've done no testing nobody knows the DNA effect of vaccination. Hallucinatetic drugs, you don't know what else is in there. PTeam about people admitting and investigating the gambling games. Stock market.
Attending a University is a gamble. You are that the money it costs to get the education, you get it back. That the education that you get will be valuable after you get your degree.
Almost all education now is absolutely irrelevant and has no value in reality.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.25
Investigate the Modern Culture Gameworld of having a child and compare this in an article or WorkTalk or video with Archiarchal Children's Culture. Make a list of companies trying to sell things to children or their parents. Look through parenting books. Spot the hidden values and beliefs of the mc child-raising Gameworld.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.26
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.27
Investigate Gaïan gameworld. What it is. Any gameworld that is taking stuff out of Gaïa, or putting contaminants or completely recycled. Non-Gaïan gameworlds. The ones that are not nurturing the health of the living ecosystems of Gaïa. Do this one at your PTeam. Think of Modern Culture Gameworlds. Fishing industry of hunting and killing fish. Lumber industry. After you cut the old trees, if you even replant any trees you only plant one species and reduce the diversity of the ecosystem and not a Gaïan gameworld. Mining, manufacturing.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.28
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.29
Use group intelligence to find out what is already there. The procedure for finding the Bright Principles of a Gameworld is similar to finding the Bright Principles of an individual. The difference is that rather than answering the 30 QUESTIONS, core participants in the Gameworld gather and speak out the values or qualities of the Gameworld that they love, that feed them, that motivate them to participate in and co-create the Gameworld. The Documentor of the Torus Meeting writes on a large flip-chart paper clearly but compactly what each person says. When one or two flip-chart papers are full, two selected individuals from the group begins the Distillation phase of the process by circling in red ink those values and qualities that are most succinctly and most frequently listed. After this, a second team of two or three Gameworld participants copy these red-circled phrases to a new flip-chart paper and proceed to condense them into a single statement of the Gameworld's Bright Principles, also paying attention to the most accurate and powerful order of the words and phrases. If you are a Gameworld Consultant, this is a service you can offer to Gameworlds.
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Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.30
Study the Gameworld Demolition website and do those Experiments to train yourself and prepare yourself for delivering the highly valuable public service of Demolishing an obsolete Gameworld. The problem with not Demolishing an obsolete Gameworld is that by leaving it run, the Gameworld continues to operate on Standard Human Intelligence Thoughtware (S.H.I.T.) serving obsolete values and purposes that tend to unconsciously and irresponsibly aim towards exterminating life on Earth. A Gameworld does not function unless there are human beings (or Zombies...) who give their allegiance to the Gameworld. There are two primary approaches for Demolishing a Gameworld.
- PRESSURE METHOD FOR DEMOLISHING A GAMEWORLD Make the Gameworld illegal and enforce the law.
- VACUUM METHOD FOR DEMOLISHING A GAMEWORLD Meet with the core Gameworld participants and bringing in more and more intense awareness and Clarity about why each person gives their allegiance to that Gameworld, for example, what their Brightworld and Shadowworld payoffs are. When participants have enough matrix they leave the Gameworld of their own volition and the Gameworld collapses. What if they gave a war and nobody came?
Select a Gameworld that you deem to be obsolete and demolish it. After it is Demolished, write an article about how you Demosished the Gameworld so that others can learn from your experience.
After you Demolish an obsolete Gameworld and publish your article online, please login to your free StartOver.xyz account at https://login.startover.xyz and enter Matrix Code: GAMEWRLD.30. In the PROOF section for this Experiment, please give a link to your article published online. This Experiment is worth 90 Matrix Points.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code GAMEWRLD.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!